Release of EXT:news 3.2.1
“Iterate fast and release often” helps to satisfy users. 3 weeks after 3.2.0 the first bugfix release is published.
Release of EXT:page_speed
I am proud to present the release of a new extension called page_speed. It renders the results of the Google’s PageSpeed Insights in the TYPO3 CMS backend.
Release of EXT:news 3.2.0
I am proud to present the release of EXT:news 3.2.0. Dozens of hours have been spent to improve this extension.
Conclusion of the sponsoring call of EXT:news
I would like to share the conclusion after my call for sponsors.
Sicherheit im Bankenalltag
Der folgende Blogpost beschreibt Sicherheit im Bankenalltag und wie schwer es ist, diese zu verbessern. Als neugieriger Entwickler bleibt auch der Onlineauftritt einer Bank nicht vor den Blick hinter die Kulissen verschont. Schnell wird einem bewusst, dass die unterschiedlichen Bereiche der Applikation teilweise nur lose aneinander gekoppelt sind und unterschiedlichen Sicherheitsanforderungen unterliegen.
Sponsoring the development of the TYPO3 extension news
I am currently planning the next releases of the TYPO3 extensions “news” and looking for sponsors! If you are using this extension, please read on!
Logging with TYPO3 CMS using monolog
tl;dr: The extension logging brings the logging framework monolog to TYPO3 CMS. Included is a backend module to list & filter log entries. Logging is an important part of an application which is not only useful during the development phase but also later on to be able know very fast if something does go wrong.
Filter list of include static entries
A nice improvement just got merged into the master of TYPO3 CMS! Just one line has been added but it makes the live of an integrator a bit easier.
Hide/Unhide in list module with AJAX
The list module has been improved by some JavaScript to handle the hide/unhide with AJAX requests. This means no more reloading right module!
EXT:news & TYPO3 CMS 7.0
The first snapshot of TYPO3 CMS 7 has just been released and the latest GIT version of EXT:news is already compatible! The current changes are: