TYPO3 Consulting
You are not sure how you should start your TYPO3 project and which extensions to choose?
TYPO3 can be used to create so many different applications like displaying various products, importing & exporting data, translations, ... If you got any questions, don't hesitate to contact me!
Extension Development
You need a custom extension or a current one extended or improved?
As soon as requirements are increasing, it is important that extensions are built on solid grounds.
TYPO3 Security KnowHow
TYPO3 is known to be a very secure content management system
The knowledge between developers regarding security diverges widely. Security audits and workshops can improve the quality of your website!
Recap of EXT:news and its budget
This is a personal recap of the decisions and discussions about the declined budget for my TYPO3 extension “news”.
TYPO3 Conference 2016 - Day 2
The TYPO3 Conference T3CON16 is happening in Munich. This post describes talks of the 2nd day.
TYPO3 Conference 2016 - Day 1
The TYPO3 Conference T3CON16 is happening in Munich. This post describes talks of the first day.